Care must be taken not to plant in the summer when it is too hot or in the winter when it is particularly cold and dry. Also, make sure that the pot is big enough so the leaves have room to grow and spread. If the leaves are yellow, but the root is healthy, don’t worry – you can still grow a stunning plant. All parts are poisonous. Now, let's learn the propagation methods of Anthurium crystallinum. The anthurium plant should be kept in a pot only slightly larger than itself, or its roots may rot and die. Division. We propagate this hybrid vegatatively from a single clone, so all plants we sell will look the same. Hybrid anthuriums rarely produce seed, and are most often propagated by offsets, which they produce freely. Spring and autumn are the best seasons for growing. Another thing you should take into consideration is the season. The root system must be spread out and the plant must be upright for support. If your pets are interested in smelling the plant or biting it, place it on a high shelf where they can’t reach it. These plants are commonly propagated by division. The pot for planting should have holes and the potting mix should cover ¾ of the pot. Anthuriums crystallinums have a velvety texture to the touch and silvery veining on the leaves, making the plant unique and outstanding against other types of aroids. Description. Can be propagated by dividing the stem with the roots in the spring and potting the separated … Anthurium Crystallinum types appear to be slow to germinate and overall have only a 25% germination rate. Anthurium crystallinum watering should be optimal for a plant to thrive, so keep a good eye on the soil! Fruits will take 6 to 7 months to develop. Anthurium crystallinum Linden & André 1873. pronounced: an-THUR-ee-um kriss-TAL-in-um (Araceae — the arum family) common names: anthurium. Planting and taking care of anthurium crystallinum isn’t difficult. But before you decide to grow in your house, it is essential to know its requirements, toxic traits, and possible growing problems. Apr 23, 2020 - Explore Manjit Harbias's board "Anthurium Care" on Pinterest. A native of Central and South American rain forests, the anthurium is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 12. Yellow, Green in All seasons. Anthuriums crystallinums have a velvety texture to the touch … Before getting the cuttings, make sure that you have all of the needed tools as well as the new pot for your plant and everything it might need. Share it with your friends! Plant these pieces in a suitable pot or container, and keep it under recommended, optimum conditions. This is a single leaf specimen from propagation with leaf measuring 15cm in length. Anthurium crystallinum is: Evergreen. Morphological characteristics of Anthurium crystallinum. Just as with the lightning, it is all about the right spot. It's commonly known as Crystal Anthurium after its attractive, oval-shaped, velvety and strongly veined foliage. Sara Elizabeth Taylor has been a lover of things that grow, and that love has been a major part of her life. Phosphorus could positively affect the growth of flowers, so look for it when choosing a fertilizer. Yellow leaves are the first sign of overwatering and if you spot them, take a break. These lovely plants can be quite hardy when their basic needs are met. Also, the seeds can cause skin irritation. The base of the cuttings should be cut off and cut into a smooth oblique shape, and then inserted directly into the water moss with moist water at a controlled temperature of 20-25 ℃. Division is the easiest; stem cuttings are possible but a bit tricky. Subscribe for a future 10% off the whole order! Many species of anthurium are considered to be toxic – not for humans but mostly for pets. Plant anthurium in a pot 1/3 full of this soil mix. Always bear in mind that the mother plant must not be hurt when dividing. Well, these 2 are cousins, and I can’t still make my mind on who prevails. Humidifiers are a great solution, however, keep in mind that they will require daily refills. You will probably have to water it a few days each week. One Esqueleto species commonly confused with the Clarinervium is the Crystallinum… For flower growth, slow-release fertilizers are recommended, with a 3:2:1 ratio. The best potting mix for anthurium crystallinum consists of peat moss, pine bark and perlite and it is the same for an adult plant, cuttings and seeds. It is frost tender, so best grown indoors – place in a position of partial shade and well-draining soil for optimal growth. Anthurium is from the Greek ανθος (anthos), a flower, and ουρα (oura), a tail; crystallinum is from the Latin crystallinus, crystalline. Origin and Distribution. If we are talking about outdoor plants, they won’t require regular fertilizing. This plant is an epiphytic flowering perennial. If the room is bright during the entire day, you can keep the plants on the window or near the windows. Fill a pot 1/3 of the way full with the prepared potting mix and place the anthurium on top. Because these plants are from tropical regions, they have adapted to wet seasons and heavy rainfalls. Ingestion usually does not occur because chewing quickly causes painful irritation of the mouth and throat. During summer, anthurium crystallinum requires more water than during any other season. Proper watering is key to Anthurium care … Contact Us | Privacy Policy | About Author |Plant Selection Quiz | Write for us |Become an affiliate | Shop |Copyright © 2020 IndoorGardenNook. Both mixes are amazing and mimic their natural habitat – all of the things present in the ground of tropical areas can be found in these mixes as well. Anthurium Crystallinum (Ace of Spades) Just like the Queen, it has distinctive veins all over its dark green leaves, which are shaped like heart, hence the name Ace of Spades. During the growing season, the soil should always be moist at the top but drier in the lower layers. 20 Indoor Plants That Don’t Need Drainage Holes, Crystal Anthurium – Anthurium Crystallinum Care, How To Grow Kiwi Indoors – The Ultimate Guide, Calathea Medallion – How to Care for Medallion Prayer Plant, Proper Lighting for Anthurium Crystallinum, Proper Temperature for Anthurium Crystallinum, Proper Humidity for Anthurium Crystallinum, Anthurium Crystallinum Problems and Solutions. Gently loosen the roots and tease apart any new section of growth. Anthurium crystallinum picture. The anthurium is a plant genus of around 1,000 species of plants. Optimal growth soil: Cultivation soil is beautiful with loose humus soil with good water retention. Make sure each piece has healthy roots and … Air conditioners or heaters will dry the air and damage the plant. This is available in. Many people have a pot of Anthurium crystallinum at home. Mix them with peat moss in 1:1:1 ratio to get the perfect growing mix for your plant. This is a five leaf specimen from propagation with biggest leaf measuring 18cm in length. Large, weak, and tight side buds can not be divided. Due to their … Today will look into a very beautiful ornamental indoor plant – the Anthurium Plant. This is a truly magnetizing plant, vibrant, quite elegant and best of all, not demanding. Eventually, these brown leaves develop dead ends and the plant starts dying. In the tropical areas, these plants are exposed to constant evaporation of water and got used to humid air. The propagation methods for Crystal Anthurium are pretty straight forward but the results may not always be consistent. The Crystal Anthurium grows about 35 inches in height. Make sure each division has roots and at least 1 or 2 leaves of its own and pot it up separately. The most popular of these being Anthurium Magnificum and Anthurium Crystallinum as well as their hybrid, Anthurium Magnificum x Crystallinum. Before planting, carefully untangle the roots. These are several ways on how to propagate anthurium crystallinum. With the right one, you will get a healthy plant with vivid green and large leaves, and turn your garden into a tropical paradise.