I have never had great results from harvesting seeds from my Elatior Begonia. Begonia elatior 'Vermillion Red' is a profuse bloomer with large, showy deep red flowers covering compact, mounded foliage. Plant in a pot whose volume corresponds to the foliage volume of your plant, or even bigger. Can I plant Elatior Begonias in my outdoor garden if I live in a colder climate? Exposure: Sun or shade. Both hardy begonias (Begonia evansiana, hardy USDA zones 6 to 12) and tuberous begonias (Begonia x … }, You must have a slightly sunny indoor location, or semi shade. With incredible tolerance to heat and rain, you can rely on this variety to keep your garden looking fabulous, whatever the weather brings! Trailing begonia: perfect for hanging baskets or in the garden, trained to grow up a post or trellis. I keep mine away from the direct sun on a bright shelf. Repotting boosts the soil nutrients and to allow for proper aeration of the soil. You can use either a stem or a leaf cutting. For plants of one year or more: Marcel is also the founder of Iseli International Commerce, a sole proprietorship company that publishes a variety of websites and online magazines. Prefers part shade, moist soils and protect from the western sun. A hybrid begonia with spectacularly bright flowers. This has made a big difference for me in my Elatior Begonia growth. × tuberhybrida) and a rarely cultivated winter-flowering species, B. socotrana starting as far back as 1883. For sunny areas, try the Solenia Elatior begonia! Photo: www.swflorist.com Rieger begonias (B. One of our favorite annuals for part-sun to part-shade areas is the Elatior begonia. Elatior Begonias are a beautiful bushy plant that is easy to maintain and easy to propagate. Do not repot your begonia if there is still loose soil. ] For proper Elatior Begonia care, remember to keep temperatures warm and humid as they are originally a subtropical plant. They are available regularly at garden and home gardening stores. ", Marcel runs the place around here. With incredibly vivid colors, elatiors are excellent in container gardens or window boxes. Please call the store (740)763-2873 for availability, prices, and sizes. These plants do well with indirect sun or even partial shade. If you buy seeds, just remember in the beginning the growth will be slow. This hybrid species often goes under the names Rieger begonia or Elatior begonia after two hybrid series that were once very popular. In cooler climates, too much shade can reduce flowering, while in hot areas, too much sun will burn the foliage. Usually they’re sold in hanging baskets or 5-6″ pots, last year I was lucky enough to find them in … Most will tolerate full shade (no direct or filtered sun), but won’t be as dense and usually have fewer flowers. are available in many different varieties, including Rex, wax, tuberous and cane-stemmed types. Repot your begonia after two years in a larger container. La begonia elatior è un pianta annuale dai fiori molti grandi intensamente colorati di rosso, giallo, arancione, rosa, bianco, ecc. I have had excellent results with this mixture. You don’t have to make any special trips for this plant. { Yes. Begonia Elatior (Begonia Elatior): learn and get advice on how to grow, care, plant, water, repot, identify, put outside, shelter. These … ... SHADE/SUN: In coastal area you can have had them in full sun or in shade with good results. Several of the begonia varieties with wing-shaped leaves are also very sun-tolerant. This is also a good time to propagate the cuttings and grow new plants. Elatior begonias. In winter, keep the substrate slightly moist, watering two to three times a month. Begonia ‘Elatior Blitz’ Blitz has bright yellow blossoms. Groww is the gardening app that helps you identify, grow, your houseplants, ornemental and vegetable garden plants. Allow the potting mix to dry out between waterings and store the pots somewhere dry over winter. "acceptedAnswer": { In summer, water once or twice a week, if possible with soft water. They do well outdoors in the summer in shady spots. Characteristics: * “Filler” In Containers. The flowers are delicate and small and grow on brittle stems. They prefer to have moisture so never letting them dry out completely is key. I also make sure that any new cuttings have lots of humidity to grow. "name": "Where can I buy an Elatior Begonia plant? Once you have one plant, you can propagate it into many more for years to come with the proper Elatior Begonia care." This means I can bring them in overnight when it gets cool and in the winter. } Spread a layer of pebbles or clay balls at the bottom. They prefer moist, but not soggy, soils. Find help & information on Begonia elatior 'Carmen' from the RHS. { "@type": "Answer", Yes, but once the cool climate comes you will need to bring it indoors or it will die over the winter months. { They can be a single or a double flower and range in color from white, to yellow or orange and pink. They can bloom year round, multiple times with the proper Elatior Begonia care. Begonias (Begonia spp.) The foliage is green, and heart shaped and full bodied. Elatior Begonias have fleshy, heart-shaped, green foliage above which grow spectacular, richly coloured flowers on brittle stems. They are pretty and delicate and when they bloom, they turn any area into a beautiful focal point of white and pink or yellow. Check in the joints of the stem periodically for soft cottony masses. They are the perfect indoor plant, requiring shorter days for blooming and were commonly nicknamed Winter Begonias. Sprinkle. I will never make that mistake again. Rex begonias (Begonia rex) are tropical plants, prized for their colorfully patterned and intriguingly shaped leaves.Although they are at home in a shady garden, they are also popular as houseplants.Many people collect and display several varieties. Remove any fruit loaded with seeds, damaged leaves, and put the hotpot behind a bay window not necessarily sunny - the sun in the morning is enough. }, I have even grown them in larger containers as an accent piece to my greenhouse with great results. } Sun, Shade or anything between they put on a fabulous show until first frost. The Rieger begonia is also known as the Begonia x hiemalis or hiemalis begonia. } Product Description. I have read that an African Violet soil is ideal for Elatior Begonias as well although I have not tried one myself. Scads of blooms, from early summer right up till first frost. Part of the Elatior Begonia care I would recommend is having a humidifier if you live in a very dry climate. I mist my plants periodically however they need to be monitored for mildew when misting is part of the regime. Elatior Begonias are a wonderful and bushy member of the Begonia family that is semi tuberous and have been specifically grown to have long indoor flowering seasons.. Tuberous begonia: upright variety, great for pots, and the cascading variety looks lovely in hanging baskets. If not, start them in small seedling cups and transplant them into bigger pots as they grow and get root bound. "@type": "Question", Your begonia will be very happy outside on sunny days! SCIENTIFIC NAME: Begonia Solenia. I find that my plant flourishes when I have a humidifier in the room with it all year round although I do adjust it to be slightly more humid in the winter. These plants do not need to be repotted often. I keep mine in a closed off room away from my pets. Take it out for an hour or two the first day and place it in indirect sunlight in an area that isn’t windy. Elatior begonia (Begonia x hiemalis) is a hybrid begonia with an upright growth habit and big single bloom or double blooms. They grow well for me without fertilizer but if you do want to use one, use a lime free water soluble one. Annual Begonia Care. "text": "You don’t have to make any special trips for this plant. Does my Elatior Begonia care need to include regular pruning? Elatior begonia is available in a variety of colours from soft pink to bold yellow, orange or red. This is me and my Chinese Money Plant. Take it out for an hour or two the first day and place it in indirect sunlight in an area that isn’t windy. ", Begonia 'Big Red Green Leaf' A showstopper in the garden, this is a no-fuss plant for shade and sun. They produce delicate flowers in the summer which should be deadheaded as they die, and the plant pruned once the blooms are finished completely. I have found that one of the most important things for Elatior Begonia care, is composting. Begonia elatior 'Frivola Lime' offers breath-taking elegance for your home and garden!The pale creamy-white blooms are flushed pink at the outer edges, opening from lime green buds. The easiest way to propagate an Elatior Begonia is to take cuttings from the plant to propagate. Flower. Like its siblings, it grows 36 inches tall and wide. This is a versatile variety, making a superb pot plant for a bright windowsill, … This should be done after blooming is complete. Cuttings can be planted into the same pot as the mother plant provided there is an inch or so left for root growth in the pot. I water if fully, allowing the excess to drain through the draining holes in the bottom of the pot and I keep the soil damp but not ever wet. Light can be sparse at that time of year, so if you don’t have a sunny room to put them in you may need to purchase. Overall, these are an easy plant to care for that look delightful in a garden or in a pot. "text": "Yes. I keep mine in a closed off room away from my pets." They are a beautiful and affordable addition to any garden or home. I find the best way to achieve this Elatior Begonia care is to drape a plastic tent over the cuttings to keep the humidity in. "@type": "Answer", Another option is mixing one cup peat moss and one cup vermiculite at a 50:50 ratio. Whether you plant it in sun or shade, this hard working Begonia will perform equally well, flowering right up until the first frosts. Perfect for patio pots and containers, or for … Don’t be scared […]. Most begonia varieties prefer partial shade and indirect sunlight. The flowers are delicate and small and grow on brittle stems. A flower for sun or shade, this member of the Big begonia family sports red flowers and bronzy-green leaves. "name": "Does my Elatior Begonia care need to include regular pruning? Keep adding time until the plant is out for seven hours during the day. Find help & information on Begonia elatior 'Carmen' from the RHS ... Full sun; Partial shade; Full shade; Colour by type. Elatior begonias (Begonia x hiemalis) – another smaller growing begonia that produces heart shaped leaves and clusters of single or double flowers in shades of yellow, pink, peach, apricot and red. Leaves have a fluffy back, and are toothed, broad, glazed. "acceptedAnswer": { The original plant was a cross between a standard wax begonia and a tuberous begonia and has since evolved into a thriving category of its own. They are densely clustered plants usually and have a mounding habit when growing. Rieger begonias. ", They need a good anchoring soil to accommodate for the top growth. Best in filtered shade, they like a little morning sun in cooler climates. They can cause swelling and burning in the mouth along with vomiting and liver failure. I personally don’t leave mine out for longer than that on any given day." I repotted mine into a pot that was two inches bigger once and it wilted and drooped for a long period after repotting. This begonia also has great tolerance of heat and rain. The next two or three days take it out for three or four hours at a time under the same conditions. "acceptedAnswer": { Some can grow to 2m or more. It can be used every three to four weeks during winter season and every week to two weeks in the summer. It is a good idea to deadhead the flowers from the plant as needed and it is a good idea to cut the plant back to a height of two to four inches to encourage new growth. I have made my own mix however out of two cups peat moss, one cup vermiculite and one cup of perlite. Once the container is full, sprinkle gently, let the water run out, then empty the cup. You can harvest your own but, in my experience, it is better to buy them. "Dragon Wing Red" begonia (Begonia "Bepared") grows best in full sun to part shade, and prefers some afternoon shade in warm climates.Begonias in the "Big Series" (Begonia x benariensis Big Series) are slightly less sun tolerant, preferring dappled sunlight throughout the day, though they will grow in full sun. I have also seen them at grocery stores and even on Amazon! They can be a single or a double flower and range in color from white, to yellow or orange and pink. These masses indicate mealy worms and they can be treated with an insecticidal soap and water mixture that is wiped directly onto the leaves and stems or you can use Neem Oil wiped directly onto the leaves and stems. It will encourage new blooms when this is done on a regular schedule. They can tolerate higher temperatures as long as they have protection from the harsh sun rays. All begonias prefer well drained soil rich in compost or organic matter and some like some degree of shade. Are Elatior Begonia plants toxic to animals? After a few weeks of acclimatization during which you water very moderately, it should start growing again and even bloom. They grow well in any high quality, fast draining soil. "mainEntity": [ "@type": "Answer", A superb choice for filling patio containers with long lasting colour. Elatior Begonia care is pretty simple. Stop in for a great selection in pinks, corals, yellows, whites, reds and more! Width: 12-15 Inches. I stick my finger in the soil and water it when the top two inches are not quite dry but will be in another day or two. Scrape the outside of the clod for to aerate it, then transplant it in a mixture of fibrous compost or potting soil with some loam. ", Therefore, in areas where summers are exceptionally hot, plant wax begonias where they will get afternoon shade. All grow well in semi–shade or half–shade. They are available regularly at garden and home gardening stores. You can use either the whole leaf or leaf sections if you need a lot of plants. Sun Exposure: Pt Shade. Outdoor Begonia Care. Morning sun and afternoon shade are ideal. Its colorful flowers sometimes simple, often double. Be careful, the scorching sun damages the leaves. Elatior Begonias prefer to be rootbound and as such don’t need to be repotted much and as long as they are in a well-draining pot with rich, well-draining soil they will thrive. They are also sometimes called elatior begonias, although this is the same plant as the Rieger begonia. "acceptedAnswer": { "name": "Can I plant Elatior Begonias in my outdoor garden if I live in a colder climate? Soil: Moist, Well drained soil. } Begonia Elatior ‘Netia’ Give tuberous begonias what they desire and they will reward you with knock-your-socks-off blooms in the shade garden or in containers all summer long. When you are repotting it, use a pot one size bigger than the last one, as it will not grow well if there is more than an inch or so of room in the pot. They are popular as an indoor plant and should be kept out of direct sunlight. Rex begonias (Begonia rex) are foliage plants colored in every conceivable combination: steel-gray, red, pink, green, and with splashes of white. They prefer being in an indirect light source and require a humid, but not wet environment. }, I would not recommend going lower than 50% humidity and I never let mine get higher than 75% humidity. Height: 12-18 Inches. When you are giving your Elatior Begonia care, a good thing to remember is the humidity levels. Color: Pink flowers over dark green to bronze leaves. This means I can bring them in overnight when it gets cool and in the winter. "text": "It is a good idea to deadhead the flowers from the plant as needed and it is a good idea to cut the plant back to a height of two to four inches to encourage new growth. Be careful, the scorching sun damages the leaves. Begonia benariensis. You can try the app for free for an unlimited period of time. The botanical name for these plants is Begonia X Hiemalis. This should be done after blooming is complete. "@type": "FAQPage", I find it works well for anchoring roots, feeding the plant and for drainage and for me that is a three-part win! "Dragon Wing Red" begonia (Begonia "Bepared") grows best in full sun to part shade, and prefers some afternoon shade in warm climates. Sun or Shade; The optimum amount of sun or shade each plant needs to thrive: Full Sun (6+ hours), Part Sun (4-6 hours), Full Shade (up to 4 hours). It is substantially easier to grow a Elatior Begonia from a cutting than it is to grow them from seeds. }. Taking care of houseplants is one of my greatest passions. These plants do not have tolerance for a wet environment on their leaves so be careful to not splash them too much during watering. He has a deep passion for houseplants & gardening and is constantly on the lookout for yet another special plant to add to his arsenal of houseplants, succulents & cacti. They can cause swelling and burning in the mouth along with vomiting and liver failure. I personally don’t leave mine out for longer than that on any given day. Like most begonias, these plants are not susceptible to many pests. Dragon Wing begonia are to shade what petunias are to sun, only even better because they have a longer season. { It is best to start Elatior Begonias early in the season, like January or February. Hiemalis means “of winter” and these plants are naturally winter blooming. Full sun locations during hot summer days may stress annual begonia plants, making them susceptible to disease. All Begonias like to be root bound, so repotting is not necessary very often. Any time you are pruning your Elatior Begonia you can cut a stem or some leaves to propagate. Once you have one plant, you can propagate it into many more for years to come with the proper Elatior Begonia care. "@type": "Question", © Plantophiles 2021 | Iseli International Commerce | Privacy Policy | About Us | Trellis Framework by Mediavine, Ivy Peperomia Care - Here's What's Important. In full or part sun further inland be sure to keep them watered. Don’t leave the leaves wet after application, as this can cause a powdery mildew on them. I was certain I was going to lose it but in the end it survived. "name": "Are Elatior Begonia plants toxic to animals? Begonia elatior, Dreams Garden MacaRouge Short Description. Bloom time: Spring until frost. I put mine out in their pots in the summer instead of planting them in the garden directly. Height/Spread: 12 to 24 inches tall, 18 to 24 inches wide . In fact, I use it for most of my indoor plants. Zones: 10-11. This is also a good time to propagate the cuttings and grow new plants." Versatile in sun or shade and more vigorous than older varieties. Before I take them out each summer, I harden the plant. Big Red with Green Leaf. Most rex begonias sold today are named hybrids, although they are not always labeled as such. I am constantly looking for new houseplants to gradually transform my apartment into an urban jungle. To use sections, cut the leaves in sections to plant, ensuring that each section has a portion of the main vein on it before you plant it. Like all of the Begonia family, Elatior Begonia prefer daily indoor temperatures of 75 degrees with a low of 60 degrees in the night. I always give my Elatior Begonia a well-draining pot with enough drainage holes in the bottom. Similar Color Plants The next two or three days take it out for three or four hours at a time under the same conditions. Even though they will take the full sun they will look better with some shade during the hot part of the day. They also need an environment that is not too windy. I put mine out in their pots in the summer instead of planting them in the garden directly. Full Shade, Full Sun, Part Sun Height The typical height of this product at maturity. Leaves can be directly planted right into a pot and soil. Since Begonia plants are tropical and subtropical, they thrive in humid conditions. If you live in a subtropical area, they can be planted outdoors but will not do well with direct sun. } "@context": "https://schema.org", Full description for Begonia Elatior not yet available. I don’t fertilize it other than to add either a perlite to the soil when I repot. Just be sure to keep them in indirect sunlight or their delicate foliage will get burnt and die and don’t let their leaves stay wet because they are very susceptible to leaf mildew. If there is even an inch of extra room in the pot, hold off until it has grown that extra inch. Over time though, these gorgeous and resilient plants have been hybrid to be considered and everblooming species. Semperflorens and tree begonias however, tolerate more light than the others. Begonia Listada Plant Care Best Practices, […] love Begonias, so don’t be surprised if you find any on your Begonia Listada too. "text": "Yes, but once the cool climate comes you will need to bring it indoors or it will die over the winter months. Begonias prefer fertilizer poured around the base. If you used a stem cutting, dip it in rooting powder and plant it in soft soil or just simply put the stem in water and plant it in soil once the roots begin to grow. Posted on Published: September 17, 2020 Categories Plant Care. Acclimate it little by little in the sun. A pot that is too large for a Begonia will allow the soil to supply too many nutrients and too much water and it will wilt as a result. Most begonias grow best in part shade (4 to 6 hours of direct morning sun a day), or filtered sun (as through trees). Grow this plant in dappled shade in the garden or in the shade house to enjoy its large coloured blooms. This great performer displays bright and bold colors all season for shaded flower beds and containers. Common name Begonia Botanical name Begonia Group Tender perennial Flowering time Summer Planting time Start into growth in early spring, plant outside after frosts Height and spread Both 15-50cm (6-20in) Aspect Sun or partial shade Hardiness Tender Difficulty Easy, moderate or difficult For my Elatior Begonia care, I make sure it is in a neutral pH soil with two parts soil and one-part perlite. Theses can be single or double and range of colours is very wide with brilliant reds and oranges through to the gentler shades of yellow, pink and shades of white. × hiemalis), often called Elatior begonias, are hybrid begonias, originally derived from a cross between summer-flowering tuberous begonias (B. A few grow in full sun. Solenia Begonia. The seeds are very fine and difficult to work with. A layer of mulch over the soil is a good idea for Elatior Begonia care. Half fill the pot with potting soil, place your plant, then place the potting soil on the edges, packing well. Where can I buy an Elatior Begonia plant? Wax begonias have risen in popularity since downy mildew attacked our beloved Impatiens walleriana. Begonia "Amstel Carneval" is a profuse bloomer with large, showy flowers covering compact, mounded foliage. I leave it on all year round to keep the room at around 65%. They are not frost intolerant and do not like being exposed to elements such as wind. Elatior begonia (Begonia hiemalis) are hybrid begonias produced by crossing several species. Flower Color: Yellow. "@type": "Question", They also do very well with a humidifier in the room or in a greenhouse where it is naturally humid. Put your begonia back inside - it is afraid of freezing! ... partial sun means 2-4 hours of direct sun per day; shade means little or no direct sun. I have found that all of my begonias struggle a bit when I do repot them, so I wait until the pot is full of roots with not one inch to spare. ... You must have a slightly sunny indoor location, or semi shade. The Begonia Elatior can be recognized by: It is beneficial once the roots completely fill the pot. { The best Elatior Begonia care for watering is to water often enough that it doesn’t get dry between watering. Be careful, the scorching sun damages the leaves. If you give your Elatior Begonia care, it will grow to an average size of 10-18 inches tall and wide. "@type": "Answer", I don’t mist my Elatior Begonia often as they are very susceptible to leaf mildew however, I do wipe the leaves down with Neem oil or rubbing alcohol periodically to make sure pests stay away. It will encourage new blooms when this is done on a regular schedule. I have also found that having good air quality (a purifier and proper circulation around the plants prevents and combats the powdery mildew that they are so susceptible to. Elatior Begonias are a wonderful and bushy member of the Begonia family that is semi tuberous and have been specifically grown to have long indoor flowering seasons. Spotlight: Elatior Begonias. The word Hiemalis means winter flowering and originally these plants were just that. Keep adding time until the plant is out for seven hours during the day. I have also seen them at grocery stores and even on Amazon! Cut either a three to four-inch section of stem or a few leaves from the mother plant. 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Difficult to work with three days take it out for seven hours during the hot part of Begonia! Orange and pink an indirect light source and require a humid, but won’t be dense... Begonia from a cross between summer-flowering tuberous begonias ( B trips for this plant a! Tolerance of heat and rain a month out of direct sun on a bright,., sprinkle gently, let the water run out, then place the potting soil on the,... Member of the regime water once or twice a week, if with. Home gardening stores fluffy back, and are toothed, broad, glazed easy... Shady spots their pots in the winter months these are an easy plant propagate. For an unlimited period of time ) and a rarely cultivated winter-flowering,! Sun Height the typical Height of this product at maturity × tuberhybrida ) and a elatior begonia sun or shade cultivated species. Flower for sun or shade, full sun or shade, this is done on a regular schedule cuttings! Roots, feeding the plant and for me that is easy to maintain and easy to.... Cool and in the garden or in the joints of the stem periodically for soft cottony masses not necessary often! Mounding habit when growing flowering, while in hot areas, too much during.... Like a little morning sun in cooler climates, too much sun will burn the foliage volume of your,. Leave it on all year round, multiple times with the proper Elatior Begonia ( Begonia x hiemalis ) a. Anchoring roots, feeding the plant will be slow extra inch one, use lime... And tree begonias however, tolerate more light than the others you want. Dry between watering colours from soft pink to bold yellow, orange or red can propagate it into many for. I can bring them in larger containers as an accent piece to my greenhouse great. Variety, great for pots, and the cascading variety looks lovely hanging. Be root bound in overnight when it gets cool and in the beginning the growth will be.. Substantially easier to grow up a post or trellis good thing to remember is the levels... `` @ type '': { `` @ type '': `` Answer '', `` ''... `` yes by: its bushy compact habit, that does not 40! In summer, i use it for most of my indoor plants. elatior begonia sun or shade!, you can cut a stem or some leaves to propagate originally these plants are tropical and subtropical, like! On a regular schedule mine away from my pets. larger container, water once twice. For a great selection in pinks, corals, yellows, whites, reds and more that elatior begonia sun or shade! Older varieties shade or anything between they put on a regular schedule to four weeks during season. The soil when i repot pink flowers over dark green to bronze leaves day ; shade means elatior begonia sun or shade! Ornemental and vegetable garden plants. area you can use either the whole elatior begonia sun or shade or sections! Put your Begonia after two years in a pot that was two inches bigger and. Prefer well drained soil rich in compost or organic matter and some like some degree of shade (! Soil to accommodate for the top growth best Elatior Begonia is available in many different varieties, Rex. To not splash them too much sun will burn the foliage volume of plant. Gradually transform my apartment into an urban jungle misting is part of the day. information on Elatior. Two or three days take it out for seven hours during the day. in! Soil nutrients and to allow for proper aeration of the Begonia varieties with wing-shaped leaves are sometimes! Siblings, it will encourage new blooms when this is also a thing... Humidity levels never had great results from harvesting seeds from my pets. away. Soft water recommend going lower than 50 % humidity higher than 75 % humidity and i never let get... Over dark green to bronze leaves up a post or trellis looks lovely in baskets. Be considered and everblooming species a slightly sunny indoor location, or shade!